Friday, 30 August 2013

Pregnancy Spots, Pregnancy Acne, A skin condition of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Spots, Pregnancy Acne, A skin condition of Pregnancy

If you are pregnant, and have broken out in acne or spots, don’t worry. Annoying as this condition may be, it is quite common during pregnancy, and often disappears later in pregnancy or after the baby is born. However, you'd probably want to have a remedy that works now.

The main reasons for

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces a higher level of hormones as her body prepares the demands of pregnancy. These elevated hormones cause an raise in the male hormone androgen. This causes the body to exude more oil in the skin, preventing pores and allow bacteria to grow. This leads to seemingly never-ending pregnancy acne for a hard-working mom-to-be.

The Treatment Options

Non pregnant woman has a wide range of options available to reduce skin acne outbreaks. Some of the more popular treatments are the prescription drug Acutance, Retin-A or antibiotics. However, many of these medications are not careful to be safe for use during pregnancy, as they are known to cause dental and skeletal abnormalities of the fetus .. In fact, your doctor or dermatologist may be reluctant to prescribe anything until you have experienced pregnancy and lactation stage.

So what's a woman to do?


The first step is to identify your nutritional status. A balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is the key. We know you've probably heard this more times than you can count, but it really does make a difference in your health, the health of your baby, and finally the skin. By eating more fruits and vegetables you have to build a virtual bank account in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and other substances that nourish both you and your child.
If all you can do is to eat one serving of fresh fruit and one serving of fresh vegetables with every meal, it is a good start. Sure, we would like to do, but not even a single dose of something new is a good start.


We once were told to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. What we were not told was that the natural waters of the food we eat also counts toward the minimum requirement. Many fresh fruits are 50-75% water, which can provide a more flavorful way of hydrating your body.

It is still important to drink water, but the water moisturizes your skin from the inside out. Water washes away toxins and leaves your body a healthy glow. It can also lubricate the joints, which emphasized the weight of the growing baby.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal supplements are offered a gentle way to treat the skin disease without the side effects of medications. Some herbs such as yellow dock, milk thistle, and red clover has been successfully used in folk medicine to find out bad for your skin. They help to reduce the amount of work to relieve the liver, which is responsible for purging and cleansing the body of toxins. If the liver is slow or force, it may not be able to meet its clean-up work. Bacteria build up in the skin to create acne.

Purification of the liver, the body's waste is whisked away, leaving behind the healthy organs (skin is an organ). Which drugs to fight the infection, herbal remedies, to build the body's own disease-fighting ability, which is the long-term results than many of the drugs. There are excellent choices for a wide range of skin acne. The effects can be displayed in a day or two, depending on the product.

Beauty is skin deep

Hang in there and know that this is very likely to be a temporary phase. Just as the absorption of water and nutrients to the garden, so you will need to soak and nourish the skin. Eat well, get plenty of sleep, try to supplement, if necessary, and finally have a good outlook on life. You have a baby on the way!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

What are the Breast Cancer symptoms? Breast cancer symptoms. How is Breast cancer diagnosed?. How can it be prevented?.

What are the Breast Cancer symptoms? Breast cancer symptoms. How is Breast cancer diagnosed?

Breast cancer caused by the failure of breast cells, which grow creating malignant tumor. It is the most common cancer in women.

What are the symptoms?

callus (very small lump) of the chest, which is touchable

one or more small nodules in the armpit (lymph nodes)

change in breast skin (irritation, redness, orange peel-like appearance)

change in the image of the teat (retraction of the nipple).

secretion of fluid from the nipple.

 What are the risk factors?

 family history

prolonged exposure to estrogen, such as hormone replacement therapy (but which protects women from other serious diseases) and early onset of menstruation and late menopause

age (women after 40 should have regular mammograms)

  changes in the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2, which are associated with breast cancer

  the first pregnancy in old age

  exposure to harmful radiation


How is it diagnosed?

Initially usually the volume detected by palpation and then made as test:

breast ultrasound



biopsy, i.e. microscopically examined tissue or fluid is removed from the breast

How is it treated?

Breast cancer belongs to the category of cancers are usually treated effectively, especially if the diagnosis is early. The treatment can be done with radiation, chemotherapy or hormonal drugs with surgery.

How can it be prevented?

It is absolutely essential that each woman groping their own breasts once a month, after the period (7 to 11 day cycle). Most tumors are found by women themselves! Undoubtedly have the age of 20 years to be at least one year and palpation of the gynecologist, which will be accompanied by breast ultrasound imaging. At the age of 35-40 years must be the first mammography (reference) which keeps the woman on file for comparison with subsequent mammograms. After 40 years there must be other than mammogram once a year, every year, and ultrasound and palpation of the breasts by a specialist. To reduce the incidence of this type of cancer it is advisable to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise and obesity prevention. Also choose to become mothers before the age of thirty years and prefer to breastfeed your baby.

Ovarian cancer, Information of Ovarian cancer, Symptoms of Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer

Are malignant neoplasms that, depending on the cells from which are classified into the following categories:

Neoplasm of germinal epithelium
Neoplasm’s from germ cells
Neoplasm’s of the layer
Neoplasm’s of the mesenchyme

The symptoms can cause a pain in abdomen, feeling of heaviness and swelling of the abdomen, vaginal mikroaimorragia off period, endocrine disorders.

The diagnosis, as in benign ovarian cysts is initially gynecological examination, ultrasound uterine-ovarian, and then it is appropriate to doppler to check the vascularity of the bladder, CT or MRI, and blood tests for tumor markers who several times found in high levels.

Stages of cervix cancer. Stadiopoisi cancer of the cervix

Stages of cervix cancer. Stadiopoisi cancer of the cervix


The cancer is confined strictly to the cervix. The filtration layer has a maximum depth of 5mm, 7mm and horizontal extent only recognized microscopically.


Cancer extends beyond the cervix but not to the pelvic wall. There is expansion bay but not in the lower tertile. Initially there Filtration paramitriou but in the second phase is filtered.


The cancer extends up to the pelvic wall or lower third of the vagina.

Stage 4

There is expansion or other pelvic clinically observable mucosal involvement bladder or rectum. Then spread of tumor to adjacent organs and then to distant organs.

What are the symptoms of cancer of the cervix?, Main symptoms of cervix cancer.

What are the symptoms of cancer of the cervix?, Main symptoms of cervix cancer.

Cervical cancer in the early stages is almost always asymptomatic. At an advanced stage can the woman has:

pain in the abdomen,
 many, smelly, colored liquids
bleeding off period
mikroaimorragia during sex